Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjong Malim, Perakadmin@fbk.upsi.edu.my+605-450 6036/6094/6038/6030 / 015-48797930
The Faculty of Languages and Communication is situated at the IPSI Building , Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Campus, Sultan Idris Education University, Tanjong Malim, Perak. Currently, the faculty offers programmes at the Diploma, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) levels. As a teacher training institution, this faculty has academics who are highly qualified in the fields of communication, the Malay language, English, Chinese, Tamil, Arabic, Malay literature, and other languages. This faculty is able to fulfil its mission of producing the highly skilled workforce required with the assistance of these qualified academic and non-academic staff.
The Faculty of Languages and Communication functions as the centre for the development and dissemination of languages and literatures in order to produce graduates who are fluent and competent in major languages of the world, as well as promoting national cultures through the teaching of literature in education. In essence, the Faculty of Languages and Communication aims to generate graduates who are creative and innovative and who are willing to volunteer services to society. They are also entrusted to cultivate and develop language as a branch of knowledge, literature, communication, education, and social development. In this sense, this faculty helps the university and the country uphold language and communication as knowledge disciplines in facing the challenges of the new world.
The faculty also conducts research and publications in the fields of language, literature, communication, media, and other languages. These accomplishments allow the faculty to be recognised as the centre for reference and consultation on issues related to languages, literature, communication, and regional media.